How to Land the Job of Your Dreams

Did you know that it is officially interviewing season? Our recruiters here at L.A.K.E. Enterprises are spending their days reading resumes and contacting candidates left and right. We are excited to speak with the best that Austin has to offer. Our concern is that many of our prospective candidates are new to the job hunt and may not know how to land an interview, or more importantly, how to conduct themselves once they are face-to-face with a company’s recruiting team, whether in-person or virtual. Lucky for you soon-to-be interview candidates, we decided to share ten tips that we believe will help you land your dream job. These range from what industries to research, what to wear, and the best way to wrap up the meeting! 

Stay open-minded

We understand that most people like to stay within their comfort zones when it comes to their careers. However, we challenge you to break free and venture into a new career opportunity. You never know how far you can go if you never take a chance!

Network with people from different industries

As a follow-up to our first tip, we suggest that you network with individuals from many different industries; this will give you an idea of what career fields pique your interest. Don’t be afraid to look into positions that don’t necessarily match up with your degree. You have a variety of skills, so don’t typecast yourself! 

At this time, many businesses are offering virtual leader panels so that prospective candidates can get a feel for their company. So, be sure to take advantage!

Identify your skills

You have a set of skills; showcase them! Identify what you are good at, and be sure to highlight them while you are networking, writing your resume, and conducting interviews. Let others know what you can bring to the table.

Make your resume stand out

We know how tempting it can be to go all out with your resume. But, we want to remind you that your resume will be one of thousands. Keep it short, to the point, and professional. Allow your accomplishments and skillsets to take center stage; this will force recruiters to take note of what you have to offer!

Differentiate your cover letter

Let’s make this very clear. Your cover letter should NOT be a replica of your resume. This letter is your opportunity to let a specific company know why you are interested in their open job opportunities. Use this space to share your interest, not to reiterate what they will be reading next.


Every company that you interview with wants to feel as if they are your number one priority. So, make sure you do your research! Visit the company website, memorize their motto, and understand their values. Trust us; your interviewer will LOVE knowing that you took the time to understand more than just the job. They want to know that you are invested in their business!

Practice common interview questions

Practice, practice, practice! It does not matter how many interviews you have been on in the past. When you are excited about an opportunity, the nerves can set in, most definitely in today’s pandemic recruiting era. Stand in front of a mirror and practice answering common interview questions. This way, you are prepared for anything the interviewer may throw at you. At the end of the day, confidence is key!

Dress for success

Dress for the job you want, not the job you have! Make sure your suit or dress is clean, pressed, and presentable. Your interviewer will make up their mind about how well you will fit in with the company culture within the first five minutes of meeting you. Don’t let a wrinkled suit stop you from landing your dream job!

Always ask questions

This is one of our more important tips. Don’t be afraid to ask questions! Not only does this guarantee that you will walk away from the interview knowledgeable, but it shows the interviewer that you are intrigued. They need to know that you are interested and that you are capable of being direct.

Send a thank-you note

Lastly, send an email thanking those you met with for their time. This simple gesture could be the exact thing that you need to come out on top! Be sure to include their names, something that excites you about the position, and how excited you are to hear back from them.

Remember, landing your dream job is a competition. To win, you have to be willing to do the research, put in the practice hours, and show up. From our team here at L.A.K.E. Enterprises, GOOD LUCK!